
About CKIA

The CKIA oversees maintenance of the perimeter fence and grounds, all entrances into Cherry Knolls, the upkeep of Cherry Field, and the preservation and enforcement of our founding covenants. CKIA also publishes the neighborhood directory and newsletter, sponsors annual events such as Dumpster Days, and manages long-term planning for our community. Volunteer-operated, the CKIA is here for you. Reach out to any board member with any questions or concerns you may have.

Board of Directors

(Nov 2023-Nov 2024)

Our board of directors is elected annually from community members wishing to preserve and progress the unique aesthetic of Cherry Knolls.

President: Jenny Lang

Vice President: Kathleen Matthews

Secretary: Ben Kennedy

Treasurer: Liz Glenn

Communications: Kathleen Matthews and Marc Mandell

Community Interface: Justin Dodson

Events & Community Spirit: Linsey Blankenship

Website: Ryan Mueller

Covenants & Architectural Control: SteveĀ  Linger


Perimeter: Dusty Laird and Steve Airheart

Long-Range Planning: Conrad Steller

CENCON: George Hamilton

New Neighbor Greeter: Leigh Miller


Covenants are a fundamental part of our community. All Cherry Knolls residents are legally bound by these covenants. They are intended to keep Cherry Knolls a wonderful place to live.

Covenants can be found in the annual Cherry Knolls directory, or in the Documents section of this website.


Currently, dues per household are just $180 annually. CKIA provides instructions on paying dues in January and February of each year. Reach out to the CKIA treasurer if you are unsure how to pay your dues.

Regular Board Meetings

The board of directors of CKIA meets the second Tuesday of each month from September through May. Meetings are held in the Music Room at Sandburg Elementary School at 7:00 pm. Residents are encouraged to attend any and all meetings. Come see what is happening in the neighborhood!

General Membership Meetings

Held the second Tuesday of May and November, these sessions are where we elect new directors to our board. Only dues-paying residents may vote on elections and neighborhood issues.